As parents, one of the most important gifts we can give our children is the knowledge and habits to lead a healthy life. But with so much information out there, where do we even start? Luckily, the “8 Laws of Health” provides a simple, time-tested framework that teaches children how to care for their physical, mental, and spiritual health.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can introduce your children to the 8 Laws of Health in a way that’s engaging and easy to understand. We’ll also weave in scripture to highlight the spiritual importance of taking care of our bodies. And at the end, we’ll introduce a fantastic new resource—the 8 Laws of Health Coloring and Activity Book, designed to make learning these healthy habits fun and interactive.

Why Teach the 8 Laws of Health?

Children learn best through experience, observation, and engaging activities. The 8 Laws of Health offer a comprehensive yet simple guide to wholistic health, covering everything from proper nutrition to mental well-being. These principles have been used for generations, and their wisdom is more relevant than ever in today’s fast-paced, often unhealthy world.

God has given us our bodies as temples, and it is our responsibility to care for them. As parents, we can set our children on a path of wellness that honors God’s creation by teaching them these essential principles.

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”1 Corinthians 3:16 (KJV)

This verse serves as a reminder that our bodies are sacred and should be treated with care and respect. By teaching your children the 8 Laws of Health, you’re instilling in them the understanding that their well-being is both a physical and spiritual responsibility.

The 8 Laws of Health for Kids

Let’s break down the 8 Laws of Health and how you can teach them to your kids:

1. Nutrition: Eating to Nourish Our Bodies

Teaching your kids about proper nutrition is key to their growth and development. Help them understand that food is fuel for their bodies. You can make it fun by having them help with meal prep, teaching them to read labels, or gardening together to learn about where their food comes from.

Key Tip: Start with colorful fruits and vegetables. Tell them about “eating the rainbow” to get different nutrients. Explain why whole foods like grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts help their bodies grow strong.

Fun Activity: Create a food chart where they can track how many different-colored fruits and veggies they eat each day. An other great way to help your children become lovers of healthy food is to get them involves in cooking plant-based recipes with you.

2. Exercise: Move Your Body Joyfully

Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Show your kids that being active is a way to celebrate what their bodies can do. Whether it’s running in the park, riding bikes, or dancing in the living room, emphasize that movement is fun and healthy.

Key Tip: Encourage at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Let them choose activities they enjoy—whether it’s swimming or hiking.

Fun Activity: Set up a family fitness challenge with small daily goals like jumping jacks or push-ups.

3. Water: Hydration Is Key

Drinking water is essential for good health, but sometimes kids need a little encouragement. Teach them the benefits of staying hydrated, like having more energy and keeping their skin healthy. You could also explain how water helps their body function better.

Key Tip: Encourage them to drink water by giving them a fun, reusable water bottle that they can refill throughout the day.

Fun Activity: Have them decorate their own water bottle with stickers or markers, making it a personalized part of their day.

4. Sunlight: Enjoying God’s Light

Sunlight not only provides Vitamin D but also lifts our mood and energizes us. Help your children understand that playing outside in the sunshine is healthy for both their minds and bodies.

Key Tip: Make sure your kids get at least 15-30 minutes of sunlight each day. Emphasize the importance of wearing sunscreen to protect their skin while still enjoying the benefits of the sun.

Fun Activity: Plan outdoor activities like picnics, nature walks, or gardening, allowing your kids to soak in the sunlight.

5. Temperance: Finding Balance

Teaching kids about temperance means helping them understand the importance of moderation. Whether it’s with food, screen time, or even sweets, temperance is about making wise choices and practicing self-control.

Key Tip: Encourage balanced habits by explaining that too much of anything good isn’t good for our bodies, and that we should also avoid anything harmful.

Fun Activity: Use a daily schedule that includes time for play, study, relaxation, and rest. Teach them how to create balance in their daily activities.

6. Air: Breathe Deeply

Fresh air is vital for our health, and it’s important for kids to spend time outside. Teach them about how fresh air helps their lungs, boosts their energy, and clears their minds.

Key Tip: Try to take your kids to parks or nature areas where they can breathe clean air and get away from pollution.

Fun Activity: Go on a family nature hike, emphasizing the importance of taking deep breaths of fresh air.

7. Rest: Sleep for Rejuvenation

Kids need plenty of sleep to grow and function well. Teach your children the importance of rest by establishing consistent bedtime routines and explaining how sleep helps their body and mind recover.

Key Tip: Create a calming bedtime routine with stories, prayers, and maybe even a little soft music to help them wind down.

Fun Activity: Let them choose their own bedtime story or Bible reading to make the routine something they look forward to.

8. Trust in God: Spiritual Wellness

Finally, and most importantly, teach your kids the value of trusting in God. Let them know that God cares about their health and wants them to thrive. Praying together, reading scripture, and spending quiet time in reflection are all ways to nurture spiritual wellness.

Key Tip: Encourage your children to develop a personal relationship with God through daily prayers and gratitude.

Bible Verse: “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.” —Psalm 4:8 (KJV)

Fun Activity: Make a family prayer journal where each person writes down their prayers or things they’re thankful for at the end of the day.

Making It Fun and Engaging

Children learn best when they’re having fun. You can reinforce the 8 Laws of Health by incorporating hands-on activities, engaging stories, and even coloring! Visual tools like a coloring and activity book can make learning about health enjoyable and memorable.

Now, let’s talk about an exciting new resource that can help you teach your children these essential principles in a way they’ll love.


Introducing “The 8 Laws of Health Coloring and Activity Book” by Terase Wallace, RN

Help your children discover the joy of healthy living with one of the most engaging ways to teach them about wellness and making positive choices for their body and mind. The 8 Laws of Health Coloring and Activity Book is a delightful journey filled with fun, instructive, and interactive illustrations ready to color.

This book guides children on a path to stay healthy, happy, and strong. They will discover and be reminded of healthy eating habits, enjoyable ways to exercise, and the importance of making wise choices, among other valuable lessons. Packed with fascinating details and fun facts, the 8 Laws of Health Coloring and Activity Book is an excellent resource for children to grow, learn, and thrive.

It is an excellent resource for:

  • Health fair/expo children’s activities, giveaways, or sales
  • Individuals seeking a healthier lifestyle for their children
  • Introducing health concepts to non-religious or other religious neighbors, family, and friends
  • Colporteur/Literature Evangelism
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS) Activities
  • Homeschool Parents or Groups
  • Retail Sale

Visit to learn more!

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