Helpful Notes from a Barbara O’Neill Home Remedies Youtube Video

Being so blessed by this video from Barbara O Neill about home remedies, I took some notes for me and my family’s personal use when dealing with health issues, and to help those around when needed. I also really wanted to share them with others so that they can be blessed as well, by written notes that are easy to access and read.

You will find below natural remedies information with the following natural elements:

  • Castor oil

  • Onions

  • Garlic

  • Ginger

  • Potato

  • Cayenne Pepper

  • Charcoal

* Please note that I might have missed writing down some things so we encourage you to watch the video above.

Castor oil compresses

Castor oil penetrates deeper than any other oil and wherever it penetrates it can break up lumps bumps adhesions

What are castor oil compresses good for?

  • Cysts in the breast for breast cancer
  • Irritable bowel
  • Constipation
  • Breaking up stones in the gallbladder, kidney stones
  • Bone spurs (if the bone spur has been there three years it might take three months, if the bone spurs been there three months it might take three weeks.


How to make a Castor oil compress and how to use it?

  • The thicker the pack, the more castor oil it can hold and the more castor oil can go into you
  • Cut an incontinence pad, opened it up, and put a few layers of cloth in there to make it thicker.
  • Put masking tape on the edge. (The plastic isn’t really touching you. The only thing that’s touching you is the paper topping and it’s got that cloth insert. The plastic is really just to protect your clothes and stop oil going everywhere which you don’t want).
  • Seal those edges and then put the castor oil on
  • To secure that, staple the edges (you can also stitch it with a little cotton thread but stapling it takes about a sixteenth of the time and it holds it quite nicely)
  • It’s going to take a little while to soak in (as it soaks in it’ll spread out a little bit further). It’s such a thick oil it just sits on top so you’ve got to give it time to soak through. Also when it goes on your hot body the oil will thin and spread out a little bit more, so you want to give a little bit of room for spreading.
  • You can also make it early, and put it in a little bag, and keep it for a later date
  • About every two days, you might find it drying a little, so then you’ll add a little bit more castor oil


The castor oil compress size made in the video is a great size for chest congested, for the abdomen (in case of could be cysts on the ovaries, fibroids in the uterus, constipation, irritable bowel).


How long can I use a castor oil compress before I wash it?

  • It can be used maybe every day for a month, and then you might make another one, because it’s not drawing anything out of you; it’s just a vehicle to hold the oil so it can go into you.


How long does the castor oil take to help healing?

  • It depends how big it is and it depends, how long it has been there.
  • Consistency is the key
  • Little by little the body heals so be patient. As mentioned above, in the case of bone spurs, if the bone spur has been there three years it might take three months, if the bone spurs been there three months it might take three weeks.
  • One or two applications really won’t do much. You’ve got to do it again and again.


Testimony about castor oil compress

“I’ll tell you an incidence that I had with recently, with the castor oil. I have to give you a little bit of background. When I lived in the rainforest for many years, whenever we drive through the creek to go out of the property we’d lose our breaks, so I got used to driving with my clutch. So I’d slow down using my clutch. Meanwhile I’d be pumping my brakes because sometimes it would take half an hour before I had proper brakes again. I just got used to driving like that. Let’s fast forward to 25 years later. We mostly have automatic cars but my husband recently brought a car that had gears, and when I started driving it… you know the pathways we have in our brain… I just flipped back into my old way of round the corner, when I was slowing down I’d use my gears. So my left leg is getting a lot of use, especially because this was a four wheel drive. And I’m just a little lady so it took a lot of strength. After two weeks my leg began to hurt from my knee down, and I thought that I have just overdone it… and I have just overdone it and my leg is not used to it. So I went over to the automatic car again. A month later my leg is still sore. When it’s still sore, you’ve got to put your detective hat on and go a little bit further. So I saw my son who is trained in remedial massage and he’s fairly brutal. He is my son, he just tells me to breathe. It hurt, and he said: “mom you’ve had an old injury on this leg, and I had. And I remember 10 years ago I was walking down steps and I was talking as I was walking. And I tripped and my shin went straight on the point of the step. It hurts! I put a poultice on it for a few days and then that was enough and I was fine. But I always had a little bit of a dent there, so I must have maybe dented the bone or something. It never gave me a moment’s trouble after that, and he picked up that an old injury. Can you see we’ve got a few threads coming together… an old injury… overdoing the leg… and now I’m in pain. And he said this has got a lot of scar tissue there. Peter was brutal, and so I decided to choose a gentler way to break up the scar tissue so I made a castor oil compress. I probably made it half that size and I bound it onto my leg, my shin area, down near my ankle, and I walked 24/7.
I wore it to bed, I wore it through the day, I just wore it wore it. I think I wore it for a month. After a week I went and let Peter do another session on me, and I’d forgotten how much it hurt. I didn’t see him again. But the point of my story is, I wore it 24/7 for a month, and I noticed no pain. I have absolutely no pain there now. But it obviously penetrated deep, it broke up that scar tissue. But I had to be diligent, I had to be very diligent! With it I decided to use the gentler approach over Peter’s manual breaking up with his thumbs of this scar tissue.”

Home remedies with onions

Cooked onion for home remedies


Testimony (Barbara O Neill first poultice)

This is the first poultice Barbara O Neill ever did.

I must have been i was 23 when my first daughter was born. I think I was probably about 25 when she got an earache, and I was trained as a nurse. Even though I was a bit of a hippie and I starting to grow my own veggies and all that sort of stuff I did not know what to do about an earache, and everyone said to me don’t play with the ears she could go deaf. So it was really in fear, and by lack of knowledge I went to the doctor. He wrote her a script of antibiotics. I gave her the antibiotics, I didn’t know what else to do. Within 24 hours the earache had eased. When she’d finished the antibiotics the earache came back. I didn’t know what to do. Six weeks later and four courses of antibiotics later the earache comes back, but i still don’t know what to do. So when I went to the doctor, I said: well my daughter be on antibiotics for the rest of her life. I’m beginning to come to this conclusion. He was challenged by my question, so he sent me to a near nose and throat specialist who looked in Emma’s mouth, then her ears, and he said: she’s teething. Give her these drops to keep the eustachian tubes clear. And that was it.”

Other testimony (how Barbara O Neill used the onion poultice for her son earache)

“Two years later, my next child is 18 months and gets an earache. I do not go to the doctor and I don’t tell anyone. I have to do something though, so i went to the lady that lives next door. I was 26 or 27 by now. I asked: what did your mother do when you were a little girl and you had an earache? She said: mom would steam up an onion on the stove. So I went home, I steamed the onion up on the stove and then I cut it in half under her directions. There are the onion rings, you keep the skin on, and it keeps everything in place. I wrapped the onion up in a cloth a few layers. The few layers of cloth will help to keep it warm but also just to shield the direct heat from being too hot. I tested it on my arm and I put it on his ear. I covered it with a piece of plastic, and what that does is that it just insulates it. He was just a little boy, I was breastfeeding him and could put the onion between his ear and my arm, and I could feel the heat. When he slept I laid him down on the bed. But I laid him down on a towel that had been folded up about eight times because I knew that  would keep it warm. You can keep it on for as long as you can keep it warm. What did they do before plastic? They
used a wool square. So you can certainly use a wool square. I make a lot of my enclosed, and in the winter I make a lot of woolly skirts. And you can also put a woolen square, just this side of the plastic, so that the plastic doesn’t even touch you but it is stopping the moisture going through, and insulating it, and keeping it warm. James slept for two hours. When he woke up he was happy. I watched him all day and the next day. And the next day that was it. Just compare my experience: 2 hours sleep with onion on his ear, and then my last experience with my first daughter with six weeks and four courses of antibiotics. No wonder I went into natural remedies.

Steam the onion for a onion poultice

  • You can steam the onion and squeeze it.
  • You’ll get a few drops of juice out.
  • It’ll be hot, but when the hot juice hits the spoon it’ll get a nice temperature and you can put that in the ear.


Testimony about using an onion poultice for a boil

“The other place that you can use a cooked onion is for a boil. A lady told me about this. She had a boil on her back and she told her friend. She said: we need to cook up an onion. An onion is a drawer. And she put the onion straight onto the boil. Obviously she waited till it wasn’t going to burn her, but it was still quite hot. And then she put that plastic square over again. If you don’t want plastic on the skin, and I can understand that you can put a wool there, because wool will insulate. And then she taped it on and she left it there for 24 hours. And when she took it off everything came out. She said, she’s never had a boil resolve so quickly. She was very impressed.


Once you’ve used the onion you must discard it because it does draw poisons into it.


Raw onion for home remedies

Onion poultice on the chest for a soar throat

  • For a sore throat you finely slice the onion into a few slices
  • Put this sliced onion on the cloth
  • Fold the cloth over and then fold it back over
  • Place it around the throat
  • Wrap a woolly scarf around it
  • You can go to sleep with that and it’ll bring relief to the to the sore throat
  • When you cut up an onion you’re likely to cry. That’s a clear indication that onion juice is very good at breaking up mucus on the chest, in the throat, in the head


Onions under the feet for bad cough

  • The bottom of the feet are a reflex for the chest
  • Use a plastic bag (“at Misty mountain we buy boxes of starch bags so they’re made out of starch and that would be the best”)
  • If you don’t have starch bags you can certainly use a cloth
  • Put the put the onion on the cloth
  • Put it in a bag
  • Put your foot on the on the onion
  • Twist the bag around
  • Put a sock on so the bottom of the feet is touching the onion, and holds it in place


Testimony about a cough

My grandson was three at the time I was visiting my daughter, and he had a bad cough. And she gave him a hot bath which always eases the cough, and put him to bed. He was coughing and coughing and coughing and coughing. We thought he’ll be asleep in a minute but he kept coughing and coughing. So after half an hour I said to them: let’s do the onion. We got him up, we chopped up an onion, and put half the onion chopped up on one
00:12:50.480 foot and half on the other foot, and put him to bed. Not one more cough. It’s almost unbelievable. You almost have to do it to believe how incredible it is. Not one more cough for the whole night with the onion on the bottom of his feet.”

Onion cough mixture

  • Chop up an onion in small pieces (the smaller, the better)
  • Layer it in a jar with honey. Place about half an inch of onion in the jar, and then you drizzle about a teaspoon of honey, and repeat the process 4 times. You can add more onions and more honey to make bigger quantities
  • After 24 hours, strain the onion out and you’re left with your cough syrup
  • Keep it in the fridge
How long can you keep it for?

“A German lady told me that she’d had hers in the fridge for eight years. Honey doesn’t go off. Once you take the onion out, it will keep indefinitely”.

How much onion syrup can you give to a child?

“For a little child, of maybe one, you might do a quarter of a teaspoon. For a two-year-old you might do half a teaspoon, three times a day. For a child from about 10 and above, you might do a teaspoon three times a day.
If a child’s got a cold, or a cough, or a bronchitis, any respiratory asthma, you give them the teaspoon three times a day, and put them to bed with the onion on the bottom of their feet. And everyone will sleep soundly that night.”

Using garlic for home remedies

“I was reading one research paper that said garlic is six times more potent than tetracycline (tetracycline is a
is a antibiotic)”

How much garlic to use as an antibiotic?

  • To have it as potent as an antibiotic or to play a role as an antibiotic you must have three raw cloves a day.
  • An adult will have three raw cloves
  • For a child you might give half the dose.

How to make a flu bomb with the garlic?

  • The flu bomb has six ingredients
  • You can take as much garlic as you can bear, finely grated
  • For the ginger, you can take probably about a quarter of a teaspoon finely chopped
  • Cayenne pepper as much as you dare. Some can handle a sprinkle, some can handle half a teaspoon
  • The juice of a lemon
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • Add about half a cup of water
  • One drop of eucalyptus oil (if you haven’t got eucalyptus oil you could use tea tree oil. One lady said: Barbara, it says on the bottle, you must not consume it. And I said: well I’m not asking you to drink half a bottle. We’ve got some common sense haven’t we? It’s not very common today, I realize that. It’s an age-old remedy. People have been using it for centuries in Australia’s, the land of the eucalypt.


“One 80-year-old lady told me this years ago. She said when one child had a cold in their house, the mother would put a few grains of sugar on a teaspoon and a drop of eucalyptus oil and they all had to have a dose. It’s been used for centuries. The reason why they say, you must not take it is because years ago a little boy in Tasmania… You’ve heard of Tasmania that little island at the bottom of Australia… He drank a few mouthfuls of eucalyptus oil and went into a coma. So they banned it. Then there was such an uproar about it, and they legalized it again. But if you buy eucalyptus oil in Australia, it’s got “poison” on the bottle “do not take”, and it’s because of that. How many young men have died from drinking a bottle of scotch at a party on a Saturday night. Has the alcohol been banned yet? No. It doesn’t make much sense, does it?”

Flu bomb for a cold, the flu, and other respiratory illnesses

  • If you feel a cold coming on, flu, any respiratory illnesses, you can take a flu bomb three times a day and it’ll be gone in three days.
  • Of course at the same time you’ve got to exercise
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Eat very lightly.

Using garlic in your dish is an other way

  • Some people take garlic in a bowl of hot soup. They’ll just grate the garlic straight into the soup.
  • You can certainly do that but you’ve just got to have that clove three times a day to take the place of antibiotic.
  • Even though they say it’s equal to an antibiotic, it’s also antiviral, it’s also anti-fungal, it’s also anti-yeast so it’s a remarkable herb.

Using garlic as a home remedy for babies

  • How do you put it on a little baby?
  • Finely slice a garlic clove
  • Cut a piece of paper towel or a piece of cloth
  • Place two sliced on it
  • Fold it over
  • Bind it to the bottom of the feet, and put on a sock.
  • The garlic does not touch the skin. If the garlic touches the skin, it will cause a blister. It won’t really hurt the babies but there’ll have a blister, and you won’t be able to apply the garlic till the blister heals. But if you put a piece of cloth or paper between the skin and the slices it will not blister

Testimony about chest problems

“My son James was having a lot of chest problems so I often did this to him. He was three and I’d put his sock and his shoe on. He’d go outside to play, and for every foot he took he was treading on the garlic. So the slices allow the garlic to be taken up little by little. It takes one minute for one drop of blood to go right around the whole body, and within a few minutes you could smell the garlic on James breath.”


Remember to not put the garlic straight on the feet. You can do that with an onion, but not with the garlic. 

Ginger as a natural remedy

Taking ginger internally

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, but it’s probably mostly known for its anti-nausea effect. If you have car sickness or sea sickness tablets, it’s basically compressed ginger.

How to use ginger internally?

  • The easiest way is to grate ginger
  • You’ll grate about a teaspoon
  • Put it in a little teapot
  • Pour boiling water on it
  • Let it sit probably 10 minutes
  • If it’s too strong, just add more water.

Using ginger internally to warm up someone

If someone is very cold, and it’s very hard to warm them up, give them a cup of hot ginger tea, and it will warm them up very nicely.

Other uses

  • Ginger can be used for nausea
  • It can also be used in a flu bomb as we saw above, in case someone has a cold, a fly, or other respiratory illnesses.


“I was at a health seminar and during the break everyone had their herb teas. And there was a girl with a tiny little grater grating ginger and I said: ah! Ginger! She said: I’m an entertainer. I’m a singer.  I was in Greece last year and I lost my voice, and a little Greek lady made me a hot ginger tea. She said I would sing that night. So she said I travel with my little grater everywhere I go.”

Using ginger externally

What is ginger poultice good for?

For an inflamed joint (gout, arthritis, a sore back, an inflamed back). When someone’s got an inflamed back, they usually put a hot water bottle on.  But if the back is hurting because of inflammation, the hot water bottle will relax because when we’re in pain the muscles around that area tighten and cramp. It relaxes those cramping muscles so you do get some relief, but it does not help the inflammation. It can even make it worse. But if you apply a ginger poultice anywhere where there’s inflammation, the ginger pulls the inflammation out of the joint to the skin. And the skin gets really hot. If you apply this to the lower back, the heat relaxes the muscles and yet the ginger is reducing the inflammation.

How to make a ginger poultice

  • Take a plate, a plastic wrap square. Again, you can use a wool square next to that, but you still need that plastic backing so that it doesn’t wet all your clothes. And also, so it insulates.
  • Put a cloth over it
  • Grate the ginger straight onto it.
  • Put the left side over and the right side over, and turn it upside down, so it forms a little package
  • The part that’s touching the skin is where you’ve just got one layer and the beauty of this little package also is that there are a few layers behind, so that if it is quite wet it will help to soak up any drips.
  • Apply that to the area where you have the inflammation
  • Then you can bandage that on.

How long can you keep a ginger poultice?

If someone has an inflamed joint in a wrist, or an ankle, or a knee, or toes, or even in a sore back, we apply the ginger poultice maybe at about six o’clock in the evening and within half an hour, if there’s inflammation in there, the skin gets very hot and then the person has the choice. When they’re going to bed, is that heat all right? Because if it’s too hot, they can just take it off. But if it feels good to them they can go to sleep. If you put it on just before bed and the skin gets really hot it could wake you up and cause discomfort. But when people have gout or arthritis, the heat is usually very nice and again for a sore lower back it’s very nice, because it pulls the inflammation out of the joint and the heat relaxes those muscles that tend to cramp whenever there’s pain.

If you do have an inflamed joint anywhere apply the ginger poultice for about four hours in the afternoon or even overnight, but just don’t do it non-stop, because you can inflame the skin. 

Testimony about a sore knee

“So I’ll tell you the story of a lady who saw my lecture on YouTube. She emailed me the story. She put the ginger poultice on her sore knee. She was so excited it reduced the pain. The skin did get hot because of all the inflammations being drawn out. So the next morning, she made another one, and then she made another one for overnight. And when she woke up in the morning the skin was all swollen and blistered. She said: what have I done? I said: you’ve just overdone it, you’ve just pulled too much inflammation out, and it has irritated the skin. Leave the skin and put a castor oil compress on that knee until it settles right down.”

Other testimony about a swollen finger

“We had one lady and she said she got a swollen finger. The joint was swollen twice the size. She said: this has been paining me for two years. So we made a tiny little ginger poultice, put it over, put a little bit of plastic over it to insulate and then taped it on. This is called a “paper tape” this is a really soft paint tape on the skin. In the morning, she was so excited that the joint had gone right down, and she could move her finger. That was just one night. Sometimes it takes more than one night, but that ginger is excellent for joints.”

Other testimony about pain on toes

“One man had a problem with his big toe. He put it on his big toe, and all the pain went out. And then the next toe was painful, so he put the put it on there. Then the next night it was okay to go on to the next one. He said, the pain was jumping for toe to toe. I said: did it go to the next foot? He said no. So you have to listen to the body.”

This poultice should only be used once because it’s a vegetable matter, and it has to be discarded. But you could make it in the afternoon and fold it over like that, and use it that night.

Potato poultice

The ginger is for joint, but the potato is for tissues. The potato is very gentle.

For what uses

  • Sore eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Tissue inflammation
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Splinter
  • Sprained ankle

Testimony about a swollen knee

“So the lady that had the swollen knee because she applied too many ginger poultices, I said: put on a potato. Potato is very cooling, so it’s great for all tissue inflammation and it is also a drawer”

Other testimony about a baby swollen tissues

“My girlfriend rang me one day. This is years ago when she had babies, and so did I. I could hear her little boy just crying and crying. I said: what’s the matter with Louie? She said: I don’t know what’s happening, but his little penis is twice the size. He was 10 months old. What are you going to do? If you go to the hospital, what are they going to do? I said: quickly make up a potato poultice on any tissue swelling. She made up a poultice. It’s very cooling, and she laid it on the area, she put his diaper, and the little fella within five minutes fell asleep. She said he slept for two hours. What does that tell you? He’s not in pain anymore. When he woke up, he was happy. She quickly changed his diaper and everything was back to normal. Her little little boy was crawling round the floor of their hippie home, you don’t know whether he got a little bit of dirt in there or whether there was a bite. Sometimes you don’t know, and you’re not going to play around with that area. So can you see with the ginger, you would never put the ginger on tender areas. But the potato is very soothing and cooling so you could do that”.

Other testimony: hot – cold hydrotherapy and potato poultice

“I’ll tell you the most remarkable story I’ve had with the potato when I lived in the rainforest there was a guy who lived on our property. He was a real hippie and he was sickling the grass with bare feet. The sickle went into the back of his ankle. I heard about it, but I didn’t see him for a few days, and one other guy said: have you seen Chris? His foot’s up like a red balloon and there’s a red line going up his leg, and he’s lying in bed smoking marijuana waiting for nature to heal him. The body will heal if you give it the right conditions. And one of the problems with the marijuana, it was dulling the pain but the pain was telling him to do something. So I said: well bring him up. So they brought him up and the first thing I did is hot and cold hydrotherapy. I got two buckets of water, one hot, one ice cold. And I put his foot straight into the hot water. I had his foot in my hand and I was just watching his face. If it was too hot, I would put a bit of cold in, because that first one can be hard to take three minutes. After three minutes the blood slows down, so then you put it into the ice cold and everything moves up again. While it’s in the cold I put a little bit more hot water in the hot water bucket. After 30 second in the cold, things are slowing down, so you bring it back into the hot. I did that three times. His pain had reduced. What that does is, it brings fresh blood into the area which drives all blood out which gets the inflammation down somewhat. And then I made a very big grated potato poultice. He had a wound that had healed on the outside and it had not healed on the inside, and tetanus happens in an area of a wound that hasn’t healed from the inside and sealed on the outside. There’s an element of horse organism… well we had a horse in the paddock so it was a perfect environment for tetanus. So I put a big grated potato poultice on his foot and I said come back in two hours. He could limp now so just that reaction tells me we’re getting results. When he came back after two hours I took this off and the wound was oozing, and the red line had gone down about four inches. Now if he was still in pain and the red line hadn’t gone down we would take him straight to the hospital. But we could see results and he did not want to go to the hospital. So if he didn’t want to go to the hospital, and we could see he was dying we’d take him of course. So I did hot and colds again and I did another grated potato and I said come back again at six o’clock. And every time he came back that big the line was going down… down… down, and the foot was going down… down, and was still oozing. The potato poultice draws, and when you took it out you could see the area where it was drawing and then he put the grated potato on. We put it on after another hot and cold all night. He came over in the morning, we did another hot and cold and the red line was gone, and the foot was just about back to normal. It looked like a dried prune, but you don’t care about that you just want that to go down. He said: what will I do now? I said: you might be good now, but if it starts to hurt, if it starts to throb, and if that seals, we need to do all that again. It healed. You can imagine that it could have been a very serious situation so that was quite remarkable.”

Other testimony about spliters

“I’ve also seen this draw out splinters. You know sometimes, you get a splinter in a finger that’s just too painful to get out if you put the grated potato on it’ll keep that swelling down it’ll it will not get or what they call infected and usually after a couple of days you can just get a needle on the tip of it press it and it’ll usually just come out i’ve just seen that happen a few times so the grated potato can be used in all areas of tissue inflammation”

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a remarkable herb. Some people say we shouldn’t use it because it’s a stimulant it is not a stimulant like caffeine or alcohol or marijuana is a stimulant. It’s a blood stimulant. That means, it’s good because Leviticus (in the Bible) states that the life of the flesh is in the blood. So anything that moves blood is going to be helpful. There’s a book you can get. It’s by Sam Biser and it’s called “Curing with cayenne”. He shows in that book that you can put cayenne with any other herb, and it’ll intensify that other herb’s action. It’s a blood stimulant.


Uses of Cayenne Pepper when used internally

It can be used internally and it can be used externally. Internally it does three main things in the blood:

  • It thins the blood
  • It strengthens the arterial walls
  • It opens the capillaries.
  • It brings a dramatic delivery of blood through the whole body.
  • Remember it takes one minute for one drop of blood to go around your whole body
  • Boost hydrochloric acid. You can take it in internally and it’ll boost digestion
  • Ease a sore throat (remember it’s in the flu bomb)

Very interesting

It might give you an initial tingle, but then when that tingle settles down, it eases it. Some people are told to take aspirin as a blood thinner. In fact I have read somewhere that it is recommended that anyone over the age of 50 should be on half an aspirin a day. You might have heard that well. What the research is showing today is that aspirin causes stomach bleeds. It’s the number one cause of stomach ulcers. It causes brain bleeds and eye bleeds. That’s what the recent research is showing. Cayenne pepper will not cause that at all. But if cayenne pepper is in your blood and it sees a bleed, it’ll constrict the blood vessels to stop the bleeding. Yet it dilates the blood vessels when it’s in the blood.

Testimony about a heart attacked and cayenne pepper

“So let me tell you about an experience I had a few years ago. At one of our retreats I got a call. A lady had a heart attack, and I was only three minutes away. That’s why you have to be fit! I ran down, it was a cooking class with about sixteen people and she was lying on the floor. She was eighty, her husband said: “she’d already had a few that year”. They always called the ambulance, but they thought let’s see what they do. I said: cayenne pepper quickly! We got the cayenne pepper. There was a guy holding a pulse and he said: the pulse is almost gone. She was just white so I’ve got about half a teaspoon, put it straight in her mouth. She was half conscious. I gave her a little bit of water to drink. The guy holding the pulse yelled out: the pulse is strong! This would have been two minutes, and you could feel that pulse come back, and all the blood came back to her face. She sat up and said: what happened? Everyone around was going: whoa!!! And I said: no it’s not me, it’s the cayenne pepper. So we sold out of cayenne pepper during that program.”

How to use cayenne pepper externally to warm up feet or if someone doesn’t feel their toes

  • You can use it for poor circulation in the feet cold feet.
    I find that people that allow their feet to be cold, eventually their feet are numb and eventually the next step after numb feet is gangrene of the toes. You see the blood is the life of the flesh, and any part of the body that has cold blood, the blood is not flowing in there. So blood is not feeding the area. It’s not feeding the nerves. You cannot put cold feet into hot water or you’ll damage the tissues.
  • You can make a cayenne compress to put on the bottom of the feet.
  • Get some paper towel and you cut it to the size of the foot
  • Put it on a couple of layers of plastic wrap and then you put a little olive oil on there. Not a lot.
  • Sprinkle about half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper on it. The oil causes the cayenne to stick to the paper.
  • Put a sock on
  • Do the same for the other foot
  • Wear this compress overnight
    “I put that on my foot, and by four in the morning, I’m waking up wanting to rip it off because my feet are so hot. But if someone has no feeling in their feet, or if someone regularly has cold feet, often by morning they’re feeling a little tingle.
  • Wear it every second night until your feet get hot.

Testimony about cayenne pepper and unsensitive feet

“I’ve even made it and folded it up and left it at one lady’s house that I visited. She had no feeling in her feet. Peripheral neuropathy, that’s a side effect of chemotherapy where people lose that feeling in their feet . They can bring their feet alive again with the cayenne pepper compresses. So you could even make a few and fold them over. So I left them with this lady so that she could use them. 

Bible verse about herbs

There is a bible verse that is a beautiful illustration in the book of Psalm (Psalms 104:140), that says that God gave herbs for the service of man. Remember they’re there to serve you. The cayenne pepper will thin or seal the blood. In a first aid kit we should have cayenne pepper.

Charcoal as a natural remedy

What does it do?

Charcoal binds poisons. It has millions of little facets, so under a microscope, there are all these little facets, and it adsorbs poisons by binding them to those facets.

Charcoal has been used for a long time

  • Nasa filter their water and their air in outer space with charcoal.
  • Many masks have charcoal in them to neutralize poison.
  • In hospitals they use charcoal to filter the blood for dialysis
  • Anyone who’s worked in casualty knows that they can give a dose of charcoal, because if someone’s been poisoned and they take charcoal, the charcoal will adsorb and bind that poison to its facets, and it’s basically safe until it gets out of the body.

Using charcoal internally

  • Any case of poisoning
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
    (many people that go to Asia always travel with charcoal tablets because if they get a bit of what’s called barley belly or diarrhea they’ll take the charcoal)

Using charcoal externally

  • Bee stings
  • Spider bites
  • Snake bites
  • Wasp stings
    (it’s quite incredible the way once you apply, that the sting comes out almost immediately or the pain goes away) 
  • conjunctivitis
  • red eyes
  • painful eyes
  • sore knee

How to make a charcoal poultice

  • You can make this ahead of time and keep it in the fridge
  • When you mix charcoal with water it’s like mixing dirt and water. It doesn’t mix very well and so we’re going to use psyllium husk. You can also use slippery elm, or you can use ground linseed.
  • Place two teaspoons of psyllium and four teaspoons of charcoal in a bowl and mix well (always put the lid straight back on the charcoal because you don’t want to drop it and make a mess)
  • Put water little by little and mix until it becomes a gel-dough like consistency
  • Place it in a Ziploc bag
  • Roll it out to make it thin, and you’ll obtain a thin jellied charcoal poultice
  • Put it in the fridge or in the freezer if you don’t think it’s going to be used for a while

How to use a charcoal poultice

Cut a section of the poultice, and it can be slapped straight on it. You can bandage that on. That’s a no mess easy way to make your charcoal poultice for the outside.

Notes taken by Anne-Laure from The Bible Diet


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